๐๏ธ Address
Display an address (or ENS) along with a utility icon to copy the address. If the address is associated with an ENS that has an avatar, this avatar will be displayed. If not, a blockie image representation of the address will be shown.
๐๏ธ Balance
Displays the balance of a given address in both ether (ETH) and US dollars (USD).
๐๏ธ AddressInput
Display an Ethereum address input that validates the address format, resolves ENS domains, and shows their avatars.
๐๏ธ EtherInput
Displays input field for ETH/USD amount, with an option to convert between ETH and USD.
๐๏ธ InputBase
Simple building block for creating an input which comes with basic default styles (colors, rounded borders).
๐๏ธ IntegerInput
Provides an input field for integer values, validating that user input it's a valid integer, and showing error if not.
๐๏ธ RainbowKitCustomConnectButton
Scaffold-ETH 2 uses a custom "Connect Button", based on RainbowKit, enhanced with several useful features: